Science Bowl is a popular and growing activity across the United States.
National Science Bowl® (NSB) is sponsored by the US Dept of Energy, and their official Science Bowl webpage is [here]. We are a leading supplier of quiz-lockout equipment for Science Bowl.

Our systems are used by many teams, and also by many organizations who host regional and national tournaments.

Looking for question sets??
See link near the bottom of this page.

Science Bowl Quiz-Lockout Systems

“Which system is best for Science Bowl?”
This a common question and there is no “right” answer. As shown below, we have several systems that are used for Science Bowl, but preferences vary from region to region.

Ask coaches in your region to see which systems and features are most popular. It’s beneficial for your players to practice on the same systems they’ll be using in tournaments. 

Science Bowl Systems

Our 4-PLAYER CONSOLE is perfect for team practice.
Features a hand button for each player.

Our 10-PLAYER CONSOLE features bright lights on center console.
Hand button for each player (15-foot extender included)
Includes a durable carry case.

Our “TRADITIONAL” LOCKOUT SYSTEM puts a box in front of each player.
Includes hand button for each player and durable carry case.
Ring-in with hand button or button on box.
15-foot player cords (extenders available).
Also includes button for remote reset.
Durable carry case included.
Prices start with 8 player systems.

Our “LINE-UP” LOCKOUT SYSTEM is our premium system.
Features boxes for each player & short cords between boxes.
Includes durable carry case.

The ultimate Science Bowl Quiz Accessory…
Our SCIENCE BOWL TIMER connects to our quiz-lockout systems.
Manage your matches with the timer! (see video for details)
Times the whole match… times questions, too!
Bright display, and optional rear-view display.